Sunday, August 11, 2019

China Just Went Nuclear In The Trade War, And There Is No Turning Back Now

Americans have gotten fat and lazy since the end of WW2, and there's rot within our society. Substance abuse is rampant because people don't have meaningful employment. However, it isn't the Chinese to blame, it's the same globalist cabal which profited from colonialism and slavery. The heart of it all started with Nimrod, the grandson of Noah, who was the engineer, the architect of the tower of babel, the top of which depicted the heavens, a planetarium, who's plans God confounded lest their be "no end to the evil thereof." Nimrod, a hunter of men, introduced paganism which spread throughout the world and is the foundation of all of the world's religions. Christianity is founded on truth, however, there are many pagan observances among it's tenets which keep christians weak and anemic.
There is an enemy, the devil, and the only way to defeat the enemy is by the truth of God's word. In the meantime, I will continue to believe God, and patiently await the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, hallelujah!

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