Thursday, October 17, 2019

Halloween Warning: Here Are 15 Reasons Why You Should Not Celebrate “The Devil’s Holiday”

Gutsy article. I prefer to observe All Saints Day, although, even that is frought with paganism.

Let's face it, christianity was paganized in the 3rd century by Rome as a compromise to form a state religion. Not the least of which is man's doctrine of the trinity, originating with Nimrod, great-grandson of Noah, a hunter of men, the architect of the tower of babel, whose plan to enslave all mankind was confounded by God lest there be no end to the evil thereof. All paganism in all of the world's religions can be traced to Nimrod, who set himself up as god reborn, and his mother, the mother of god. This is where god rulers originated, as evidenced in Egypt and Rome. Templars brought back their dark arts from the crusades in the 7th century AD and started the first banks, establishing feudal Europe with their pharaonic bloodlines, founding the country of Switzerland, a mountain fortress nearly impregnable, the seat of the satanic world order, clearing house for all of the world's criminal organizations. There's a record in the OT which declares a ruler will be dragged out of his fortress by "hooks set in his jaw". It will take no less than Christ returned to expel satan from this world, and cast him into a pit for a thousand years. The same pit which those angels who kept not their first place are chained captive, whom Christ showed himself upon being raised from the dead. The same angels who unleashed the flood waters upon earth in an attempt to wipe out all of mankind. Where it not for the believing of one man, Noah, would have been successful. For the sake of one man, Lot, Sodom was spared until he was rescued by Abraham. And for the believing of one man, Jesus Christ, the entire world was saved.

Thank God Almighty for the US Constitution 1A which declares the freedom of religion and speech and the 2A to defend it.

Happy All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day.

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