Monday, February 24, 2020

This Coronavirus Outbreak Just Took Some Bizarre New Turns

It's serious, but even so, the US is better prepared than most. North America can be fully self sufficient, with the exception of a few rare minerals found only in Russia. At the very least, any supply chain disruptions, which I agree are bound to happen, should cause us to take a self inventory.
This also exposes the globalists hand, which unleashed this contagion in a last ditch effort to stop Trump. It exposes the weakness of just in time (JIT) supply chain management, and the danger of being too dependent on overseas capacity. I understand 80% of our drugs, including antibiotics, are manufactured in China. This could get real ugly, real quick, but I think it's a culture shock that is long overdue.
The US converted assembly lines overnight to support the war effort during WW2. How long will it take for Walmart and Amazon to begin distributing Made in America? We're probably in for around 2 years of famine, which is the length of time it's going to take to get this virus under control, or it becomes the new normal, Blade Runner, the directors cut.

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