Stuck, it would be a mystery, which it was until the mystery was revealed.
Wise men, wiser than you pondered these things for millenia, which up until the 20th century hadn't changed a whole lot, with the exception of a few discoveries, like the telescope, etc.
What they did have were the stories handed down, then written, but before God made man, he wrote his word in the stars, then from Adam onward, that was all they had.
The mystery was in the north sky, which is almost void of stars. God made known that mystery on the day of pentecost, when holy spirit was poured out upon those who confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from dead. It's available to every man, without distinction.
You may claim "it's a mystery," but you would be wrong, just like in everything else. It's only a shame that you can't see it, or if you can, refuse to believe it. It's not all that complicated, yet you reject it. Why is that? I'll tell you why, it's your arrogance. You're in good company. Carl Sagan was a god rejector, too, and the world is a better place without him. Apparently, you've been given another chance. Don't waste it. Confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved from the wrath that is to come.
Don't believe there's any wrath coming? Hmm.....