Thursday, November 15, 2018

Jewish Politics in America – A Post Political View

The US Constitution is a secular document, and thank God for that. All men, and women, are bound by it. If it was religious, sharia could come along and make the same claims of protecting inalieanable rights.

Taken together, the Declaration of Independence, which, if I'm not mistaken, is the actual founding document, along with the US Constitution, are quite remarkable. The King claimed divine right to rule, the Declaration of Independence counters this claim, and says that all men are created equal. The US Constitution then protects that freedom from government interference.

There's no need to debate ad nauseum regarding whether the Founding Fathers were christian, they debated that enough, even with themselves. As a whole, including the settlements that were established, it would be difficult to find an exception that there were any but Christians who settled and founded this country.

The argument put forth by humanists that the founding fathers weren't christian is a thin lie to make the world in their image, and it is the same origin as the lie that modern day Jews have a hereditary claim to Canaan. The great irony of it all, is that while Islam is the spear point being thrust into the heart of Europe and Western Civilization, it is the Ashkenazim Jew who is wielding the spear, funding both the Islam invasion of Europe, and the migrant caravans of Central and South America.

While the methods of Satan, the devil, change over time, his motive does not, to destroy all that God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and all that is in them, God and Father of the Lord, Jesus Christ, created. And he will as surely destroy those who follow him, as he would destroy all of mankind, were he able.

In the end, we will all be held accountable for what we believe. The US Constitution guarantees every citizen the right of speech and religion. God gave man free will, it is up to us what to do with it.