Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Cheapening The Holocaust Is A Political Atrocity

those two terms are antithetical, and no, I don't hate jews, don't project your anger on me. I oppose zionism.

Why do you support the nation of Israel, is it out of sentimentality, wishful thinking, what?

Do you know that the Supreme Court of Israel building in Tel Aviv is full of Illuminati symbolism commissioned by Dorothy Rothschild? You can look it up. Is that what you support?

Do you know the Ashkenazi Jews are the political rulers of Israel, that everyone else is a second class citizen? The first mention of the Ashkenazi in history was around 1000 AD. They were a warrior tribe who faced with the Christians on one side, and Islam on the other, chose Judaism so as not to convert to either. These Ashkenazi Jews from whom European Jews descended don't practice Judaism of the hebrews, they practice Rabbinical Judaism, that is, they follow after the doctrines of men, against such we are warned. Is that what you support?

These same Jews control much of the world's media, and were complicit in both the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communist overthrow in China, causing the death of hundreds of millions, the bloodiest revolutions in the history of man. Is that what you support?

Even so, the Rothies are but one of the criminal organizations that are client banks of the Swiss Templars, the seat of satan on this earth, which began under Nimrod, a hunter of men and great grandson of Noah, who set himself up as a god, and his mother the mother of god, himself as god reborn. He was the engineer, the architect of the tower of Babel, whose top was the heavens, a planetarium, who sought to enslave all mankind, but not for God confounding his plan, of which there would be no end of the evil. The templars brought back the treasure of egypt, storing it in castles, and ultimately founding Switzerland. They also brought back with them the dark arts of satan, which they continue to practice, spreading deceit and treachery throughout the world. They doubled down on their banking secrecy laws after the US whistleblower incident, and control most of the wealth of the world.

Is that what you support? Because that is who the zionists represent.

I don't hate jews, but I oppose zionism and the evil it represents.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Trump Dodged An Ambush By Avoiding War With Iran

The description in the first paragraph describes an old woman and a baby being killed because they were unable to contribute to the war effort. While defying human decency, the claim that 3 million died in Poland defies the evidence. Where are the bodies?
Watch the documentary "Marching to Zion" with Paster Steve Anderson. He gives an accurate accounting of how many jews died in WW2.
How many in SE Asia died at the hands of the Japanese, in Russia at the hands of Stalin, in China at the hands of the Chicoms? Where is the outrage over these atrocities?
Why can no one criticise the neocon war machine, Israel, or Jews? They are not God's chosen people, they are not related to biblical jews, they do not practice biblical Judaism, and ever since the appearance of Jesus Christ, they practice a dead religion. The first mention of Ashkenazi Jews in history is 1000 AD when they adopted Judaism rather than convert to either Christianity or Islam during the crusades. These are the political rulers of Israel. Everyone else is a second class citizen.
Until the 20th century, and the rise of Zionism, Jews were despised in Europe and elsewhere. It's only 20th and now 21st century propaganda that they are tolerated, and used to destabilize and control the middle east. It is these same Jews who facilitate the mass migration of muslims, a spear point into the heart of Europe, it is the Jew who wields the spear.
Enough is enough, politicians running on nationalist platforms are winning around the world. Trump is being divinely guided, and he will not allow himself to be trapped into fighting anyone else's war, as we were in the US Civil War, the World Wars of the 20th century, and the theatre wars of the 21st. All wars are bankers wars, all of the world's criminal organizations are client banks of the templars, and Switzerland is the seat of Satan. The bright line separating men from men is whether you love God and the truth of his Word, or you hate him. It's up to every person to decide for him or her self.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

For Countless Americans, Living In Their Vehicles Has Become “The New Normal”

Agreed, I've made the analogy that as goes Greece, so go we all. The bible puts it another way,
"And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" (Matthew 25:40 ESV)
The other end of the spectrum are socialist countries like Finland, where taxes are roughly 60%, and everyone essentially has the same standard of living. We have to strike a balance, but Gates, Buffet, and Bezos would rather lobby state legislatures to require mandatory vaccinations instead of offering to pay for free vaccinations for those who want them.
The Tea Party and the Occupy Movement have a common enemy in the status quo. Therein lays the balance.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Superior: The Return of Race Science—A Review

"Races therefore correspond to human populations that have been living in relative isolation from one another, under different regimes of selection." - this was repeated twice in the article, including once in the conclusion prefaced with, "The truth, as we see it".
I disagree, if one searches "where do races originate?", one finds a host of attempts to answer this question, yet DNA evidence and research is reasonably clear, races are the result of interbreeding.
Europeans and Asians have Neanderthal genes. Dravidians and Aboriginal Australians are largely African, and Sub-Saharan Africans interbred with a species cut off from our ancestral tree hundreds of thousands of years ago. The uniqueness of Europeans is the presence of Cro-magnon genes. There you have it, the origin of species, the result of interbreeding.
Human migration is also interesting, and the rise of civilization which began about 10,000 years ago. The story of creation in the bible and the geneology of Christ, counting the generations and life spans, gives us an approximation of Adam being created in the likeness of God, which is spirit, around 10,000 years ago. Therefore, modern day humans, and races, already existed before Adam was created. What God created in Adam was spirit, and it was the interaction of the Adam and his descendants with primitive man that gave rise to civilization.
On another note, the descendants of Noah settled across Northern India in the east to Northern Europe in the west and are made up predominately of Aryan descent. The attack on whites by coloreds is nothing more or less than a backlash against humanity by the devil, who would rather man remain in a primitive and godless state, and ultimately destroying all that God created.
The evidence is clear, one can draw their own conclusions.