Friday, September 20, 2019

Private Message to a Friend

I was much troubled as a young man, and no less so today. The world can be a cold and uncaring place.

There is also a reason for all of it. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I know who does.

I have a blog, [url][/url] where I document my replies on other blogs. Most of all on [url][/url] until they kicked me off for their own selfish reasons. I've also gotten banned from [url][/url] for what they consider to be blasphemy. It's all rather ludicrous, actually. I've since rejoined both forums under a different alias.

I've also had to deal with being stabbed in the back by friends and family, all of them. So, I can only share one word of advice with you, God has never let me down, and he continues to be my rock in a tempest sea.

May the one true God, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

In the name of the living Lord and Saviour, the name above all names, Jesus Christ, amen!

The Color of Crime in Missouri

The differences between the races has always been of momentous import. There have been aboriginal species from the dawning of time, in fact, we were all once aboriginal. How God made Adam, the first man, is his business, but we know this, that he, God, made him, Adam, in his image, that is, he created spirit within Adam that had never existed before. It's the 3rd creative act in Genesis. The origin of races can be explained via DNA analysis, and it's generally accepted europeans are a mix of human, cro-magna, and neanderthal, asians are a mix of human and neanderthal, davidians and australian aborigines are more or less human, and sub-saharans are a mix between human and a species cut off from our common ancestor 270,000 years ago. These races of humans came into existence as long ago as 100,000 years ago.
If you're still with me, the bible places the creation story around 10,000 years ago, counting the generations of Adam. So, body and soul man existed before God created spirit in Adam. The first civilizations rose 3,000 years after Adam, around 5,000 BC. I contend it was man's interaction with the Adamic line which gave rise to civilization. Nimrod was the architect of the tower of babel, the engineer and a hunter of men. The great grandson of Noah through Ham and Cush, who along with his mother set himself up as a god, his father reborn, and his mother, the mother of god. All paganism derives from Nimrod, who sought to build a planetarium, the top of which was the heavens, and enslave all of mankind with his pagan theology. God confounded his plan, lest there be no end to the evil thereof.
I'm not a proponent of race mixing, however, it's been going on for a long time, and probably will for a long time. What I'm suggesting is that before you get too holier than thou, and arrogant regarding your race, consider that we were all primitive savages, primates, if you will, before Adam. Noah was a caucasian, therefore Adam and Jesus were, however, Jesus Christ removed the barrier between races and gender, and we are admonished to not think of ourselves too highly. That's a biblical perspective. I also contend, that the bright line that separates man from man is not physical appearance, nor attributes, but whether you love God or you love the world.
There are many ways to serve the Lord, but my question to you and anyone else who is spiritually blind, whom are you serving? Let that be the test of our behaviour, and not fall into the worldly and ungodly trap of viewing everything through a racist lense, but rather a spiritual one. Otherwise, don't claim you love God, and serve the world. I'll call out ungodliness when and where I see it, given the opportunity. I'm always more than willing to discuss the truth. Thank you for the opportunity.