Thursday, February 25, 2016

Recession 2016: In Some States, A Very Deep Economic Downturn Has Already Arrived

we could mint a trillion dollar coin, march over to the fed and pay off the national debt, but that doesn't address the over $200T in unfunded federal obligations.
However, it goes a long way by not paying $500B in interest payments every year.
In fact, it would be a good start.

Recession 2016: In Some States, A Very Deep Economic Downturn Has Already Arrived:

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Recession 2016: In Some States, A Very Deep Economic Downturn Has Already Arrived

you're correct up to a point. most have to work, some are just greedy. most of the greedy ones are already sucking off of productive labor. the tipping point comes when there aren't enough productive workers to support the non-productive ones. guess what happens to the non-worker, then. the concern today is that we've already reached that point, and the decline will accelerate, assisted by a destructive social agenda of divide and conquer. The only cohesion of these dynamics being a chief instigator, the devil. who gets the credit for much of the greed and avarice, among other things, but not all, since humans have a tendency to muck things up all by themselves. It's in the unmucking where we tend to find ourselves, and wherein the devil lies in wait. some things never change, like the truth of god's word, the source of good and the antidote for evil.

Recession 2016: In Some States, A Very Deep Economic Downturn Has Already Arrived:

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