Sunday, December 29, 2019

How Long Ago Was the Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans?

An easy way to think of racial origins is interbreeding, of which there are 3 populations, Neanderthal, Cro-magnon, and Sub-Saharan African. Neanderthal genes are found in Caucasoids and Mongloids, while only Caucasoids have Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon genes, giving Caucasoids their red hair and blue eyes. Sub-Saharan Africans, on the other hand, interbred with an unidentifiable ancestor as recently as 150,000 years ago cut off from a common ancestor 1.5 to 2 million years ago, giving them their ape like features.

Another interesting factoid is that Noah was Caucasian. His sons settled areas from which the 3 branches of Caucasians originate, which means that Adam was Caucasian, and Jesus was Caucasian. Based on this evidence, it's possible that primitive humans already existed on the planet before God made man in his image, which is spirit, and it was the interaction of primitive man with the Adamic line which gave rise to civilization. Therefore, we all, meaning all of mankind is from primitive origins, and it is God Almighty to whom we should be grateful for being made a little lower than himself, that is, being second only to God in the cosmos.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Miraculous Beginnings of Christmas

One cannot go beyond what we are taught. I actually looked up F.F. Bruce, who was cited in the article, in particular because he is noted as "one of the most respected scholars on the subject of biblical accuracy." Biblical accuracy, knowing what God says is in word is a critical aspect of understanding it. The biggest lie that came about by pagan influence is the doctrine of the trinity, so I was interested in what Bruce might say about it, and he is cited as stating scriptures that support man's doctrine of the trinity are not in the original transcript. Leading me to infer he didn't believe the doctrine is scripturally substantiated, neither was Martin Luther, but being old and near death, conceded rather than lose the Protestant movement altogether.

I didn't arrive at my statement about Paul by original research. If you search, "bound in the spirit," there are plenty of discussions about Paul's Mistake, Did Paul Disobey the Spirit, etc. So, of course, we are all workers who need not be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15) Let's just make sure it's God's Word we're handling, and not the words and doctrine of men.

Getting back to pagan influence in Christianity and the doctrine of the trinity, a triune god head is a doctrine of all of the world's pagan religion's, originating from Nimrod, a hunter of men, the architect of the tower of babel, who's plans God Almighty confounded, lest their be no end to the evil thereof. The engineer who sought to enslave all of mankind under his rule. The great-grandson of Noah, son of Cush, son of Ham, who together with his mother, set his father up as a God, himself as God reborn, and his mother, the mother of God. These God Kings ruled in Egypt, and it was likely one of his descendants who was Pharoah at the time of Moses.

During the crusades, the Knight's Templars invaded the holy lands, were possibly the first tomb robbers, made treaties with Persian princes, and brought back treasure from Egypt, including the dark arts of Nimrod and satan worship. They built the first castles, replaced legitimate monarchies with their own bloodlines, the ananuki, establishing the country of Switzerland, the spiritual seat of satan on this earth. A mountain fortress from which it will take no less than Christ returned to set a hook in his jaw to drag him out and cast him into a pit for a thousand years.

So, yes, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Let the redeemed of the Lord say, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22:21b (ESV)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Eurafrica or Fortress Europe?

Switzerland is already the spiritual home of the satanic world order, the seat of satan on this earth, a nearly impregnable fortress from which it will take no less than Christ returned to set a hook in his jaw and drag him out. I noticed a comment that dismissed prayer, but rather, with a sword will Europe be defended. I argue that it is already lost, and by believing action and prayer will it be restored, along with the whole of humanity.