Monday, November 30, 2020

America’s Pride In The Economy Is About To Be Greatly Shaken As Tens Of Millions Face Eviction In 2021

 115 comments so far, and I doubt more than a handful are on topic.

We all knew this perfect storm was on the horizon, you can't shut down an economy with zero repercussions. The same people who forced us in to lock down, have no plan for a recovery.

We all heard Joe Biden state repeatedly, "he has no plan", meaning Trump, who was doing quite well before the pandemic hit, and presumably would stay the course if he wins the election.

Joe has a plan, because it's his master's plan for implementing the beast system, as JCT refers to it, and lately has been dubbed the Great Reset.

After disenfranchising the will of the people, the economic impact of the fake pandemic, or plandemic, will have even worse consequences, because the recovery will also be fake, and the results will be almost unimaginable.

I don't see the american people as sheep, neither are christians, as Paul writes, are we counted as sheep for the slaughter, no! he goes on to say we are more than conquerors though him who first loved us.

Romans 8:38 - 30 (ESV)
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We can take comfort in this words, and we can resist the beast system the new old satanic world order will offer as a way of the economic distress headed our way.

In the meantime, unprecedented circumstances require unprecedented measures, and extending unemployment benefits seems the surest and quickest way of accomplishing that.

Don't expect Congress to offer anything more than bandages and aspirin as they await their orders.

Friday, October 2, 2020

If Democrats Take The White House And Congress In November, It Will All Be Over For The Republican Party

I heard Matthew Brakken make the same statement on a podcast with Fernando "FerFAL" Aguirre on his YT channel, Modern Survivalist. Brakken is a former Navy Seal and author, with a series of books in the survivalist genre.

His statement was along the same lines, that if Democrats win in November, they will shut the door on power in the United States, and will never be able to be voted out, by voting in statehood for DC and PR, and gerrymandering districts to dilute conservative votes, much the way the republic of CA has been for years.

The republican party will simply cease to exist, which isn't such a bad thing, however, the end state will be much worse than where we started. Maybe we're already there and it was merely optimism that prevented anyone from actually seeing how bad things have become.

Certainly, public education is an exercise in mediocrity, excelling only in providing jobs for administrators and teachers. Socialism has never worked anywhere, and we're witnessing the decline of western civilization of a result, the tail end of the fiat specie Federal Reserve Note voted in by the Wilson administration and embraced by Nixon/Reagan, used to buy votes in Congress by the likes of Kerry, Schumer, Pelosi, and Schiff, but also McCain, Graham, and McConnell. There is direct correlation between proximity to the printing press, and the value of fiat specie, bidding up the cost goods and services, and dependent on an ever expanding economy to pay the interest on the existing debt, a classic ponzi scheme. The US has now embraced Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) having cast off Keynesian supply side economics by simply never cutting spending during the largest period of economic expansion in the modern era. We're about to experience what happens in real decline, and it's not going to be pretty, for the same reason and how Greece goes, so go we all, WWG1WGA. A handful of families own everything in Greece, and they are reticent to lift a finger to help anyone. Don't look to Washington for assistance, as the ruling class will be too busy making sure they stay in power.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Why We Are Facing The Biggest Election Nightmare In Modern American History No Matter Who Ends Up Winning

LOL, who's Shecky?

I keep up with the news, and Trump didn't say anything of the kind. Apparently, you have no problem making things up, which fits your delusion to a tee. I also didn't know that you've been appointed his spokesperson, but that again speaks to your delusion.

Apparently, hypocrisy rises to a new level with you regarding investigation. Let's see, should we spy on Biden, attempt to entrap him, waste hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars investigating him with zero results besides exposing our own abuse of power, commit perjury, waste millions more taxpayer dollars impeaching, and losing politically in every single matter of strategic importance, all the while Rome burns.

Is that what you're suggesting? HAHAHA, if Biden is somewhere, I hope he's on his meds, because there's something seriously wrong with the guy. I'm sorry.

After all that, you make spurious claims, which extend beyond simple delusion to malice. Except that you are able to accurately describe exactly what your side is doing.

If you are successful, and this country does descend into a second revolutionary war, which I doubt, but if you are, I hope you take one between the eyes. On the other hand, I know your seed, and justice awaits you either way. I pray that you have made peace with the end of your miserable existence.

I also challenge you to back up your misstatements regarding Trump's mental health, although I think you're actually attributing to him the keystone cop antics of the Obama administration and subsequent cover up by Mueller and the House, which would even be amusing if it didn't sum up the entirety of everything they've been doing leading up to the 2016 election to the present, which is unfortunately a continuation of Nixon/Reagan era globalism begun in the first civil war culminating in the federal reserve.

So, now that we've come full circle and full stop, perhaps it is time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed. The military is sworn to uphold and defend the constitution, as is each individual member of congress. If it's a coup you want, that can happily be arranged. Bill Barr has shown considerable restraint in investigating the investigators. A second Trump administration will be equally even handed, and maybe, just maybe confidence in government can be restored as Trump does what he promised on inauguration day, return power to the people, instead of what Kamala promised to do if elected, seek retribution against her perceived political enemies. Biden's not even able to read a teleprompter, and if elected, will be a continuation in a succession of progressively worse administrations since Nixon/Reagan, which has had abysmal results for the middle class, who, like democrats in this election cycle, will have nothing to lose, and perhaps then, you will see who it is the policies of this federalist form of government have offended, when they come to put a noose around your neck.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Enjoy The Month Of August And Use It To Prepare, Because September Is Coming…

 then it will have to be just as cleverly unrigged to be a fair election.

if one finds oneself in a war, then it's advisable to fight as to win. who is the enemy, it is the dark forces of evil. jesus christ has already won the victory for us, it is only up to us to accept it by confessing Jesus as Lord and believing God raised him from the dead, then we are saved (Romans 10:9 - 10)

if you don't know who the enemy is, it makes it very difficult to counter his assault. Jesus Christ resisted the temptation of the devil by stating simply "it is written". How wonderfully simple, if we can only follow his example in our daily lives, and hold forth the truth of God's word to others.

is there any turning back from the brink of socialism, in many respects we're already there. socialism which has failed everywhere it's ever been tried, but never on as large a scale as western civilization since the end of world war 2, which re-aligned countries along artificial boundaries and opened the flood gates of central banking management of the world's money supply, turning money into debt.

yet, here we are, at the apex of peak everything, the turning point of a super cycle of events in human achievement. will we continue to evolve as a species and put aside personal difference, or allow those differences to consume us all. I know the answer, as do most of you. The question is do we have the courage to do so.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

It Only Took 2 Days For Seattle’s “Autonomous Zone” To Descend Into Chaos…

well stated. it's my humble opinion based on what i've been able to find on the internet, other's who have researched these matters. I was curious where do races originate? It turns out a lot of people have asked the same thing, and there are some very curious responses from know-it-all theologians over time. It turns out, that DNA evidence sheds light on this, races are the result of interbreeding with other species going back over 100,000 years. There are 5 distinct races, caucasoid, mongloid, negroid, dravidian, and australian aborigenese. Caucasoid and mongloid have neanderthal genes, caucasoids also have cro-magnon genes. Negroids are the result of interbreeding with a species cut off from our original ancestors 350,000 years ago, sometime after the first migrations of man out of africa.

man's migration to the americas is also interesting, however, the most interesting thing, in my opinion, is that the sons of Noah settled in areas where caucasians populated. Therefore, the bloodline of Adam and Christ is caucasian. Because the lineage of Adam puts him in Eden around 8,000 BC, and civilizations arose around 5,000 BC, yet modern man came into existence around 100,000 years ago, somewhere in that time frame, primitive man was in existence when God made Adam in his image, which is spirit. It was the interaction with the adamic line that gave rise to civilization 3,000 years later, and it wouldn't be too hard to figure out how long it took after that for God to almost repent that he made man. In support of this hypothesis, is that the further away primitive man existed geographically from the cradle of civilization, they remained primitive.

Jesus Christ came to save the world, which includes all men.

Galatians 3:28 (ESV)
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Prime Minister Of Australia Warns That Life Will Not Return To “Normal” Until A Coronavirus Vaccine Arrives

We're not being told the whole story, and there's zero transparency, much of it to cover up incompetency within the federal bureaucracy and global health agencies. Dr. Fauci was quoted on January 20th of this year that the novel corona virus was nothing the US needs to be concerned about.
We'll get through this, depending on a number of factors, none of which are fully known at this point; the voracity of the virus and whether the body builds immunity.

Once we're through it, what is on the other side? I'm guessing about a two year global depression, as severe or more so than the 1930's. American workers have to be considered in any post pandemic economy. Globalism had it's day, and it's time for the multi-nationals to stop expatriating profits, offshoring jobs, and importing cheap labor. For forty years, the American worker has put up with the wage depressing effects of globalism. This pandemic should show everyone that we don't want a 2 tier society, and we don't want to live like a third world second rate country, even though it's glaringly obvious some parts of this country already are.

Donald Trump and national populism which is winning everywhere elections are held are a wrench in the globalists plans. We can see now just how incompetent these people are, and how little they care for the welfare of anyone, in the pursuit of exploiting the last ounce of value from regional labor disparities. I could work for a bowl of rice a week if the cost of living was the same as it is in some of these places. Now we see the conditions in which these people live, and the cost has become a global pandemic.

The war of the 21st century was always going to be the average person against the multinational conglomerates. This pandemic is the opportunity to take the fight to the multinationals. It's a fight American workers, and by extension, proletarians the world over, cannot afford to lose.

Simple Beliefs and Facts

It's a shame you don't mention them.

I don't think it matters whether this was a bioweapon, it's out. The economy is going to tank regardless of whether we quarantine, or not. The health system may not become as badly stressed as it would without quarantine.

The problem is lack of supplies. As one peels back the layers, one factor continues to emerge, the entire mobilization beginning with Trump being elected and the subsequent efforts to remove him, has supernatural origins in a chief conspirator, the devil. There are too many disconnected parts that otherwise would be random, but the whole points to an orchestrated effort that could only have been organized in the spirit realm. The light of truth has exposed the deep state's surveillance of all of the candidates leading up to the primaries, and the Trump campaign after the primaries. After his election, there was silence in Washington leading up to his inauguration, meaning all of the discussion was behind closed doors. The deep state never let up, and haven't, yet they're only one criminal organization in the satanic new (old) world order.

The devil has pulled off a coup, yet there are limits in the natural world. It will be interesting to see how much worse this pandemic will become matched against the best health care system in the world. The financial contagion is completely digital. Zeroes and ones can be flipped with no effort. Buildings are still standing. If war breaks out, or widespread civil unrest, that becomes another matter. It means recovery takes longer. At the end of the day, we know what the future holds for the devil and his dominion.

Monday, February 24, 2020

This Coronavirus Outbreak Just Took Some Bizarre New Turns

It's serious, but even so, the US is better prepared than most. North America can be fully self sufficient, with the exception of a few rare minerals found only in Russia. At the very least, any supply chain disruptions, which I agree are bound to happen, should cause us to take a self inventory.
This also exposes the globalists hand, which unleashed this contagion in a last ditch effort to stop Trump. It exposes the weakness of just in time (JIT) supply chain management, and the danger of being too dependent on overseas capacity. I understand 80% of our drugs, including antibiotics, are manufactured in China. This could get real ugly, real quick, but I think it's a culture shock that is long overdue.
The US converted assembly lines overnight to support the war effort during WW2. How long will it take for Walmart and Amazon to begin distributing Made in America? We're probably in for around 2 years of famine, which is the length of time it's going to take to get this virus under control, or it becomes the new normal, Blade Runner, the directors cut.

The Battle That Saved Christendom

Well, the crusades, then. I prefer the term, bankers wars. Templars established the banks, which was why they built bastilles. So, the common thread is bankers, even going back to the money changers in the termple, whom Jesus chased out with a stick.
However, your point is taken, Islam is a death cult, except no one cared about the middle east until the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil there. Islam had already been pushed out of Europe. The current mass migration of Muslims to the north is a dagger into the heart of Europe, but the hand that wields it is the Jew, determined to get revenge for the holocaust.
I put all of the world's religions, including Christianity, into the same basket of paganism, originating with Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, a hunter of men who sought to enslave all of mankind, whose plans God confounded lest there be no end to the evil thereof. Nimrod declared his father as God, himself God reborn, and his mother, the mother of God. Sound familiar? It should as it's at the heart of all the world's pagan religions. Pharoah was a descendant of these god kings, and it was the black arts which the egyptians practiced which the templars brought back to europe and built castles to enslave the countryside, a feudal system, which was also practiced in other parts of the world.
Christianity isn't a panacea, it's merely another form of paganism, evidenced by man's false doctrine of the trinity adopted in the 3rd century by Rome as a compromise with paganism in order to establish a state religion.
Truth, on the other hand, is what God wrought in Christ on earth. Truth is the only defense against the snares of the wicked. Truth which we have in the form of the canonized bible, and in Jesus Christ, the word of truth made flesh, the word, which God wrought in the heavens and underscored with his name.
It gripes me to no end to hear anyone say that God is the reason for all of the world's wars throughout history, when it's clearly the love of mammon which is the cause, or religion perhaps, but neither has anything to do with God or truth.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Truth Has Not Changed for Misleading Fracking Filmmaker

This article is full of hyperbole, and confusing the terms truth and fact. Facts indeed do change, while truth is eternal. For you "scientists" out there whose mouse pointers are undoubtedly hovering over the down vote icon, the scientific method is relatively well understood. Hypothesis, experimentation, theory, and law. It is truth that establishes law and is not of anyone's own interpretation, because that is what the law says of itself.

Is fracking safe? Anyone who says yes, is a dolt. Whether it can be done safely is another question. Yet, the fact remains there are inherent risks associated with it. Proponents of the fracking industry likely benefit from it in some way, whether financially or otherwise. Yet, I will say it again, it is not without risk. Acceptable risk is a relative term. What is acceptable risk? This is what the discussion should center around, not whether it is safe or not, because it's not, as a matter of fact. Neither do electric vehicles spontaneously combust for no reason. There are charlatans on both sides of the debate, whether it's climate, ecology, or likewise. What is missing is accountability, and that is judgement deferred, at least until Christ returns.