Friday, February 20, 2015

Do you REALLY need that ham license?

Self-sufficiency comes in many forms and what you're describing, over-population and lack of economic opportunity, is pervasive everywhere. Welcome to global depression 2.0. In nature, over-population is a self-correcting condition.

You're self taught and have critical thinking skills. I would make the best of the present situation while you can.

Unfortunately, whether or not you believe the bible, things aren't going to get better anytime soon. At least not if TPTB have anything to do with it. They're too greedy. So, if those in power won't lift a finger to help the plight of man, what hope is there? Only one, to resist, and it comes back to self-sufficiency. It doesn't help that you're stuck on a prison island with little chance of escape. It sounds like you're already making the best of your circumstances.

If you believe the bible, then there's that hope, too. Either way, the world is what it is, and there isn't too much anyone can do about. On a local scale, there's lot's you can do regarding building community.

I can't help but think Australia is a legacy of the British feudal system, with much the same problems, made worse by over-crowding and socialist policies. The natural end of these dynamics will be simply wide scale riots, starvation, and death, thereby correcting the population problems and the big reset. If the problems are, there are too many people for too few jobs, there are three alternative, providing social welfare, which we've seen only creates generations of dependence. Providing more jobs, or culling the population. I think we're headed for the big cull. But we'll see.

Keep your head down, Freax, which may be difficult, depending on what you meant by your height being a detriment to employment.

Do you REALLY need that ham license?:

'via Blog this'

Do you REALLY need that ham license?

Self-sufficiency comes in many forms and what you're describing, over-population and lack of economic opportunity, is pervasive everywhere. Welcome to global depression 2.0. In nature, over-population is a self-correcting condition.

You're self taught and have critical thinking skills. I would make the best of the present situation while you can.

Unfortunately, whether or not you believe the bible, things aren't going to get better anytime soon. At least not if TPTB have anything to do with it. They're too greedy. So, if those in power won't lift a finger to help the plight of man, what hope is there? Only one, to resist, and it comes back to self-sufficiency. It doesn't help that you're stuck on a prison island with little chance of escape. It sounds like you're already making the best of your circumstances.

If you believe the bible, then there's that hope, too. Either way, the world is what it is, and there isn't too much anyone can do about. On a local scale, there's lot's you can do regarding building community.

I can't help but think Australia is a legacy of the British feudal system, with much the same problems, made worse by over-crowding and socialist policies. The natural end of these dynamics will be simply wide scale riots, starvation, and death, thereby correcting the population problems and the big reset. If the problems are, there are too many people for too few jobs, there are three alternative, providing social welfare, which we've seen only creates generations of dependence. Providing more jobs, or culling the population. I think we're headed for the big cull. But we'll see.

Keep your head down, Freax, which may be difficult, depending on what you meant by your height being a detriment to employment.

Do you REALLY need that ham license?:

'via Blog this'

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday hunting - Page 534

Do the bill writers envision requiring houses of worship to compensate property owners for the loss of use of their land?

CRC, not allowing SH on public lands isn't appeasement, it's surrender. Out of principle only, since I own the land I hunt, I oppose any restriction on SH other than those restrictions imposed on any other day.

"One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind."

(Romans 14:5 ESV)

Any restriction on days of the week for religious reasons is imposing your religious convictions on others. I'm a Christian above all. This is not taken out of context. Paul wrote it to the Saints in Rome. Show me in the scripture where God in his word tells man to worship on Sunday, and I'll oppose SH. Show me in the scripture where God in his word tells man to build "houses of worship" in the epistles or anywhere in the new testament, and I'll support the proposed "new law"

Either support SH or oppose it, but don't water it down, and don't do it in the name of God. Hunting is as old as man, at least since he was cast out of the garden. Of course, we accept seasons, days and limits to protect the population, but regulation imposed by anti's on GL's should cast aside as should restrictions on where one might hunt in proximity to other land uses except where they already exist. I'm familiar with the issue of waterfowl hunting on navigable waters near gated communities, and I know repeal could cause bring some GL agreements into question. In the first case, it doesn't stand to reason riparian rights should be restricted based on proximity to nearby development under any circumstances, but especially out of consideration to privilege. In the second case, if a land owner with land being part of a GL doesn't want SH on his land, then he can stipulate it so. These things can be worked out, and it would be a travesty to restrict SH on GL's simply to avoid the inconvenience of having to re-negotiate GL leases.

Opposition to repeal can be shown to be based on opposition to hunting in general, special interests including religious, or a lack of temerity in the legislative body. Given the Sportsman's Caucus' tendency toward compromise, and having stated my views, I will gladly support repeal or rewrite of existing unfounded statute, given that any rewrite will be equally unfounded.

Sunday hunting - Page 534:

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