Wednesday, July 24, 2019

War Drums: Europe Readies A Naval Task Force As Iran Threatens To “Secure” The Strait Of Hormuz

Iran is indeed the jewel of the world, an intersection between east and west, north and south. A very real game of geopolitical strategy is being played with neither Russia, China, or the US willing to cede the region to the other. A proxy war with Russia has been going on in Syria since 2011, and before that in Lebanon, but the ultimate goal is Iran.
Yesterday, I read a good analysis of Wahhabi Islam and the Uyghurs in an article on the Unz Review, "March of the Uyghurs". 20 million muslims live in China, and it's the aim of the west to use these US supported terrorists fighting in Syria to destabilize China and undermine the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or "Silk Road". Russia is part of this economic development.
Iran is the route between east and west, most importantly to deliver oil to the largest energy market in the world, EUR.
Interestingly, too, the BRI has signatory nations on every continent except North America. After all, we've been China's most important trading partner for 40 years beginning with Reagan, the ground work being laid by Nixon.
I don't see China as a threat, rather, as PDJT is currently negotiating, the trade imbalance between the US and the rest of the world must needs be addressed. The status of the Federal Reserve Note as the world's reserve currency makes it difficult to balance trade, since the world's economy needs a steady influx of dollars, which we have been providing by running high trade deficits.
It will be interesting how this plays out in the ME. I'm more interested in the national debt, and the percent of GDP we pay in interest on the debt. My instinct is if we get rid of the federal reserve, and assume the debt ourselves, we could pay off $230T over several generations, without accumulated interest. Of course, the global banking cabal and satanic world order has other designs, and a manufactured war in the ME would suit their purposes just fine, making money off of misery.

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