You guys stay up too late at night for me. Who gives a rip about some rich guy who got his boat seized at the border because of a paper work snafu?
It happens ALL THE TIME, and in fact, only demonstrates no one is above the federal government, NO ONE, and it will either be there downfall, or ours.
I commend Arrington for standing on principle, but, this only proves he isn't any better than anyone else, he doesn't pay the officer's salary, and they don't work for him, although that's what he's acting like, even if he's right.
Everyone involved needs to get over it. The form wasn't correct, who's fault is that? He didn't sign it, and they kept the boat. My question is, why couldn't Arrington correct the form? People correct things all the time. There may be some needed revisions to procedure, but in the big scheme of things, this is small potatoes, and only shows an arrogant prick getting bullied by another arrogant prick.
I'm finding a hard time sympathizing, and have to agree with Zara on this one. LLPOH, you're entitled to your opinion, but there is nothing that makes you an expert of ME affairs. You support Israel, why? For ME energy? That's why we're there, nothing more, nothing less. Oh, yeah, that and to kick some Islam butt. So, let's see, we want their oil, so no one else can have it, right?
That just about sums up geo politics for you in one easy sentence. The fact that David slew Goliath twenty four centuries ago settles it. The Jews own Israel and Jerusalem, it's an historical fact. That and God gave it to them, so if anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with him. I, for one, am satisfied and couldn't care less about anyone else's opinion.