The stupidity, it burns. I was making a point, and it's not advocating genocide.
The point is the holocaust is a lie, didn't happen. Know what did? Democide by Khazar facilitated communist coups in Russia and China, far more than purported by guess who, the same Khazars.
See a pattern of deception, yet?
It goes deeper. These same Khazars promote genetic purity among their own. They're racist, why? While at the same time promoting mass migration of a people who will never assimilate into European society, why? In fact, these are the same facilitators of slavery in the American colonies.
The first mention of the Khazars in history is in A.D. 1000, but they're unremarkable until the 1700's when Rothschild started the first central bank in his four sons.
True, God Almighty chose a people from among the nations of the world to make himself known, the Jews of the bible. The devil has chosen a race, the Khazars, to further his aims in the world. While his methods change, his motives don't, and that is to destroy all of God's creation. Yet, his fate is sealed. This, too, he knows, and will take as many with him as he can. There is no good thing in him, not one.
When one accepts the truth and applies it across the stratos, it becomes painfully obvious who are the truth tellers, and who are the agents of satan. Who will you believe? Who, indeed!
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform:
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Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform
Z, you don't know what non-white is, although you should, being from N Texas. I guess where you grew up didn't get the integration memo.
That's the problem with most boomers. They grew up in the segregated society of the 50's, and everything after that was class division. How many black hippies have you seen? None? Because they were black panthers and the weathermen. Al Franken can croon about love and peace, while Farakan croons about killing whitey.
Still don't know what white is? Depending on who you talk to, he's the enemy.
Also, why do you give a fuck about the ME or justice, even if you've been there one or two times? White generation X from Texas adopts persian religion and suddenly wants peace in the ME. Nobody cared about the ME until oil was discovered, then the Khazars planted their flag and began their propaganda campaign to rid the world of anti-semitism. You have to hand it to them for their persuasiveness. You know who else is persuasive? The devil.
The palestinians don't have any more claim to the land than the khazars. It is holy land, and it belongs to the Jews of the bible, who will return, but not until Christ returns first. You heard it here, first.
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform:
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That's the problem with most boomers. They grew up in the segregated society of the 50's, and everything after that was class division. How many black hippies have you seen? None? Because they were black panthers and the weathermen. Al Franken can croon about love and peace, while Farakan croons about killing whitey.
Still don't know what white is? Depending on who you talk to, he's the enemy.
Also, why do you give a fuck about the ME or justice, even if you've been there one or two times? White generation X from Texas adopts persian religion and suddenly wants peace in the ME. Nobody cared about the ME until oil was discovered, then the Khazars planted their flag and began their propaganda campaign to rid the world of anti-semitism. You have to hand it to them for their persuasiveness. You know who else is persuasive? The devil.
The palestinians don't have any more claim to the land than the khazars. It is holy land, and it belongs to the Jews of the bible, who will return, but not until Christ returns first. You heard it here, first.
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform:
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Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform
Then, he wouldn't even clean up his own fucking mess. He should have at least gotten a ticket for littering. I say he got off easy. Hitler took his own life, while Hirohito, whose soldiers did much worse on his orders, lived a long life and died peacefully.
The reason is nobody gives a shit about Asia, or the price of eggs in China, and still don't. If a million Chinese died in an earthquake, would anyone care? No, they don't. Neither should anyone care about a million or so Jews. Stalin and Mao were much, much, worse, and their coups were facilitated by the Jews. The United States and Israel are stooges for these same Jews. So, you tell me, who is worse, Hitler or Stukfuk? Why, Herr Stukfukindabutt, of course, of course.
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform:
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The reason is nobody gives a shit about Asia, or the price of eggs in China, and still don't. If a million Chinese died in an earthquake, would anyone care? No, they don't. Neither should anyone care about a million or so Jews. Stalin and Mao were much, much, worse, and their coups were facilitated by the Jews. The United States and Israel are stooges for these same Jews. So, you tell me, who is worse, Hitler or Stukfuk? Why, Herr Stukfukindabutt, of course, of course.
Stucky QOTD: Copfuks and Coons – The Burning Platform:
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Thursday, September 21, 2017
This Is The Real Threat To Us All: "Don't Be Fooled By The Magic Show"
This Is The Real Threat To Us All: "Don't Be Fooled By The Magic Show": "This serves as proof the real enemy isn’t the federal reserve, nay, they are agents of the true enemy of mankind, Satan and the Devil.
The proof occurred in the lead up to Y2K, and again, now, which is the force of nature. Man has no control over this force, but can work in concert with it. Who has the control over nature? Satan of course, who is the god of this world (Corinthians 4:4)
Think about it.
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The proof occurred in the lead up to Y2K, and again, now, which is the force of nature. Man has no control over this force, but can work in concert with it. Who has the control over nature? Satan of course, who is the god of this world (Corinthians 4:4)
Think about it.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Behold a Pale Horse, and its Rider is Death – The Burning Platform
Trump doesn't get to shuffle the deck, he has to play the hand he's dealt. C and R are led by godless murderers, both formed by jew instigated revolutions resulting in the largest democide in the history of the world. Trump is also dealing with the deep state and Israel, both stooges for the globalist financiers.
The best chance freedom loving Americans, and indeed the world, is to elect Freedom Caucus supporters in the mid term congressional elections.
Everything else is vanity.
Behold a Pale Horse, and its Rider is Death – The Burning Platform:
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The best chance freedom loving Americans, and indeed the world, is to elect Freedom Caucus supporters in the mid term congressional elections.
Everything else is vanity.
Behold a Pale Horse, and its Rider is Death – The Burning Platform:
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Friday, September 8, 2017
Administration sources: Creepy tweet was coded message to McMaster about leakers
Muslims terrorists are the spear point, but it is the Jew who wields the spear. No one cared about the ME until the internal combustion engine was invented and oil discovered in the Sinai. The Zionist movement was born.
We get medicine from the Greeks, law from the Romans, but it is the money changer Jew from which we get central banking to the detriment of all.
Administration sources: Creepy tweet was coded message to McMaster about leakers:
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We get medicine from the Greeks, law from the Romans, but it is the money changer Jew from which we get central banking to the detriment of all.
Administration sources: Creepy tweet was coded message to McMaster about leakers:
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Thursday, August 3, 2017
Positive and Negative – The Burning Platform
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Anti-semitism is nothing more than a construct invented by the Frankfurt School during the 20th century. People don't like gypsies, either, for a reason. Jews are not God's chosen people, they were in the OT, but not since the Day of Pentecost when it became possible to be born again of God's spirit.
Judaism is a dead religion. It died with Jesus Christ on the cross. Ashkenazim Jews aren't heriditary Jews, there's no mention of them in history until 1000 AD, when a tribe called the Khazars were caught between Muslims and Christians and instead of converting to either, proclaimed themselves to be Jews. This is the tribe from which the Rothschilds ascended and became the bankers to Europe in the 18th century.
Zionism took hold in the 20th century due to the Rothschilds influence, culminating with the establishment on the state of Israel in 1948, in order to destabilize and control the ME. It is the Jews, including Soros who are funding the mass migration of Muslims into the EU in order to destabilize and control the EU, and it is these Jews which seek global domination through the destruction of the West.
You are wrong about Jews, as are most Americans, as was I. They deny Christ, as does Islam, yet they are the most dangerous as they are already inside the walls.
Look up "Marching to Zion" by pastor Steve Anderson on YT. I always wanted to support the Jews of the bible, and I believed the lies that we're all told. Modern Judaism is as far from OT Judaism as east is from west.
Oh, and by the way, I still believe man went to the moon, but I also now believe the Holocaust is an exaggeration. Watch the documentary,, it's well worth your time. If you don't believe scripture, what will you believe?
Positive and Negative – The Burning Platform:
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Judaism is a dead religion. It died with Jesus Christ on the cross. Ashkenazim Jews aren't heriditary Jews, there's no mention of them in history until 1000 AD, when a tribe called the Khazars were caught between Muslims and Christians and instead of converting to either, proclaimed themselves to be Jews. This is the tribe from which the Rothschilds ascended and became the bankers to Europe in the 18th century.
Zionism took hold in the 20th century due to the Rothschilds influence, culminating with the establishment on the state of Israel in 1948, in order to destabilize and control the ME. It is the Jews, including Soros who are funding the mass migration of Muslims into the EU in order to destabilize and control the EU, and it is these Jews which seek global domination through the destruction of the West.
You are wrong about Jews, as are most Americans, as was I. They deny Christ, as does Islam, yet they are the most dangerous as they are already inside the walls.
Look up "Marching to Zion" by pastor Steve Anderson on YT. I always wanted to support the Jews of the bible, and I believed the lies that we're all told. Modern Judaism is as far from OT Judaism as east is from west.
Oh, and by the way, I still believe man went to the moon, but I also now believe the Holocaust is an exaggeration. Watch the documentary,, it's well worth your time. If you don't believe scripture, what will you believe?
Positive and Negative – The Burning Platform:
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: Guest Opinion: Cutting retiree benefits is not the solution
To: Andrew Brod
Subject: Re: Guest Opinion: Cutting retiree benefits is not the solution
To: Andrew Brod
Dr. Brod,
Name Withheld
I've copied my representatives in the North Carolina General Assembly, Senator John Alexander and Representative Chris Malone.
Regarding your opinion column in the Triangle Business Journal ( )
Illinois, with New Jersey and California not far behind, is in a position of being unable to afford current retiree benefits. As a result of an Illinois Supreme Court decision, the Governor failed to enact pension reform, leaving the state unable to pay it's bills. Being the first state to move new hires to defined contribution plans, it will take Pennsylvania two decades to close the gap in it's state employee pension plan.
The North Carolina State Health Plan has $43B in unfunded liabilities. Higher co-pays and deductibles are going to be part of the solution. Given the inability to segregate current retirees by years of service, requiring current and future employees who may have more years of service than certain retirees to pay the entire cost of reducing liabilities is an abject injustice. Cuts must be made and for retirees to demand their benefits not be touched is unrealistic.
I went to see Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles speak at “Decision Time: Bowles, Simpson and the Federal Budget” at Duke Chapel in 2012. They told the audience that without fail, everyone who came before their committee said the same thing, "please balance the budget, but don't reduce mine." How then, are we to reduce spending? I don't believe your column answers that question.
The State of North Carolina spends 2/3 more than it receives in tax revenue, the balance being made up in Federal funds which the state oversees. What happens if those federal deficit dollars were to cease? It's not a pleasant scenario. Yet, are we to double the debt again under Trump? No doubt the DOW would go to 40,000. When does interest on the debt become an unsustainable drag on the economy?
I think the answer is to shrink the public sector as spending has overreached revenues at all levels of government. Currently, those in the private sector work longer hours and for more years than their public sector counterparts. I don't think this can be explained simply by a difference in levels of education as implied in your column.
At the end of the day, repudiating the national debt, repealing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 et al, and passing a balanced budget amendment is the way forward. While this isn't a likely scenario, we could then begin the task of mitigating over $100T of unfunded federal liabilities, not to mention state and local jurisdictions. While this may be of little concern to you, it will be to future generations.
Thank you for your time.
Name Withheld
Raleigh, North Carolina
Monday, June 26, 2017
Boomer Cons – The Burning Platform
Correct, the Ashkenazim Joos who want to rule the one world order.
Most of us are aware an UN Agenda 21, but to have a one world order, national sovereignty must be abdicated. Trump is the upset bid in their plans, and I don't think we've seen yet to what lengths these joos will extend, or whether they'll retreat until a more opportune time. In much the same way the Devil retreated from Jesus in the wilderness. The Trump as savior analogy rolls on. Get on board or get left behind.
Thanks for the call on the Joos. Might have missed it. When one looks at the chronology of the Devil's efforts to blind the eyes of those who might be saved (2 Cor 4:4), you see the compromise of Christianity with paganism in the 3rd century by Rome in order to establish a state religion. The rise of Mohammedanism in the 8th century, and no mention of Ashkenazim Khazars who converted to Judaism until 1000 AD. The Ashkenazim didn't rise until the 18th century when Rothschild became financier to the royal courts of Europe, from which modern history can trace it's wars, as well as the Bolshevik and Chicom revolutions, the bloodiest democides in all of recorded human history.
It doesn't take a genius to see the conspiracy, just one with the humility and wisdom to accept the natural conclusions.
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has called me a Nazi and censored my posts on his site. Much like the liberal left likes to use the term, racist. Or Christians like to persecute those who disagree with their doctrine, or practice of Christianity. When one considers all of these man made conflicts all have the same source, and recognize who is the real enemy, then one can counter the enemy effectively, by the only effective means available, the truth of god's word. The Devil withdrew from Jesus in the wilderness when Jesus could not be tempted. We, too, are able to resist the Devil, and he will flee (James 4:7). When Jesus returns, he will gather his body together, the church, and forever we will be with him. Every knee shall bow to him, and many things must pass before the resurrection of the just and unjust. The end of the Devil is prophesied, just as the first coming of Jesus was foretold in Genesis 3:15. Those who serve the Devil will as surely be destroyed by him, as he would all of God's creation, given the opportunity, as evidenced by the Great Flood in an attempt to kill off the Christ line. Peace.
Boomer Cons – The Burning Platform:
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Most of us are aware an UN Agenda 21, but to have a one world order, national sovereignty must be abdicated. Trump is the upset bid in their plans, and I don't think we've seen yet to what lengths these joos will extend, or whether they'll retreat until a more opportune time. In much the same way the Devil retreated from Jesus in the wilderness. The Trump as savior analogy rolls on. Get on board or get left behind.
Thanks for the call on the Joos. Might have missed it. When one looks at the chronology of the Devil's efforts to blind the eyes of those who might be saved (2 Cor 4:4), you see the compromise of Christianity with paganism in the 3rd century by Rome in order to establish a state religion. The rise of Mohammedanism in the 8th century, and no mention of Ashkenazim Khazars who converted to Judaism until 1000 AD. The Ashkenazim didn't rise until the 18th century when Rothschild became financier to the royal courts of Europe, from which modern history can trace it's wars, as well as the Bolshevik and Chicom revolutions, the bloodiest democides in all of recorded human history.
It doesn't take a genius to see the conspiracy, just one with the humility and wisdom to accept the natural conclusions.
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has called me a Nazi and censored my posts on his site. Much like the liberal left likes to use the term, racist. Or Christians like to persecute those who disagree with their doctrine, or practice of Christianity. When one considers all of these man made conflicts all have the same source, and recognize who is the real enemy, then one can counter the enemy effectively, by the only effective means available, the truth of god's word. The Devil withdrew from Jesus in the wilderness when Jesus could not be tempted. We, too, are able to resist the Devil, and he will flee (James 4:7). When Jesus returns, he will gather his body together, the church, and forever we will be with him. Every knee shall bow to him, and many things must pass before the resurrection of the just and unjust. The end of the Devil is prophesied, just as the first coming of Jesus was foretold in Genesis 3:15. Those who serve the Devil will as surely be destroyed by him, as he would all of God's creation, given the opportunity, as evidenced by the Great Flood in an attempt to kill off the Christ line. Peace.
Boomer Cons – The Burning Platform:
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Friday, June 23, 2017
Stockman Warns “A Great Big Coup Is On The Way” – The Burning Platform
Stockman is leaving out a factor in his equation, and that is the grass roots supporters who elected Trump to office, who've elected GOP representatives in special elections since November. It's Ryan and McConnell who need to understand mid-term elections can see them lose their power base as easily as the dems, as if they've forgotten.
These patriots will not lay down without a fight. If a recession hits and tens of thousands lose their jobs, there's no safety net. Only a replay of 2008 with banks taking possession of homes. How long before the middle class starts protesting. It won't be against Trump. It will be against the establishment.
It's easy to forget we govern ourselves, and "of, for, and by the people" should mean something. If it doesn't, then resistance by any means necessary is entirely justified, and in fact, the duty of anyone who has ever sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
It's easy to forget who is the servant, and who is the served. For too long government has ignored and forgotten they don't exist without the support of the people. For too long government has served the interest of the few, to the detriment of the many. For too long they've gotten away with it, and unless the system is totally rigged, which I doubt, then it's time to bring these elected officials and civil servants, the deep state, into remembrance of whom and at whose pleasure they serve.
There is nothing broken which can't be fixed, and nothing crooked which can't be made straight. In fact, the Lord promises they will perish and wiped from the face of the earth. There's just a lot of violence that must take place between now and then, and I don't intend to become a victim.
Stockman Warns “A Great Big Coup Is On The Way” – The Burning Platform:
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These patriots will not lay down without a fight. If a recession hits and tens of thousands lose their jobs, there's no safety net. Only a replay of 2008 with banks taking possession of homes. How long before the middle class starts protesting. It won't be against Trump. It will be against the establishment.
It's easy to forget we govern ourselves, and "of, for, and by the people" should mean something. If it doesn't, then resistance by any means necessary is entirely justified, and in fact, the duty of anyone who has ever sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
It's easy to forget who is the servant, and who is the served. For too long government has ignored and forgotten they don't exist without the support of the people. For too long government has served the interest of the few, to the detriment of the many. For too long they've gotten away with it, and unless the system is totally rigged, which I doubt, then it's time to bring these elected officials and civil servants, the deep state, into remembrance of whom and at whose pleasure they serve.
There is nothing broken which can't be fixed, and nothing crooked which can't be made straight. In fact, the Lord promises they will perish and wiped from the face of the earth. There's just a lot of violence that must take place between now and then, and I don't intend to become a victim.
Stockman Warns “A Great Big Coup Is On The Way” – The Burning Platform:
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Sunday, May 21, 2017
Trump whines about being ‘mistreated’ by rogue/deep state and corporate media. His choices: serve Evil (for new US Civil War, Syria/Iran wars?), be JFK/RFK/MLK removed, or .01% arrests for ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ OBVIOUS crimes in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, looting trillions, and constant lying
I'll take what's behind door number 3, Bob.
There is an entrenched deep state, 4th and 5th generation federal bureaucrats who control vast amounts of resources, who only care about the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, which requires global hegemony. So they've colluded with globalists like Soros to control the flow of oil and gas into Europe, which is under attack from mass migration from Muslim countries, orchestrated by Ashkenazim Jews.
I have to give credit where it is due. I've called out Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch for his Zionist positions, and been censored, banned from posting on his website. The Burning Platform, which I regularly commented on, censored and banned me for my Christian posts and standing up to their anti law enforcement rants. Rapture Forums banned my log in for expressing non-trinitarian views which the forum owner labeled "false teaching", not before my posts received several likes.
Carl Herman has been more than tolerant to allow anyone to express their views without censorship, and for that, I think he is to be commended.
With regards to Trump, history will tell. In post WWII America, Kennedy, Carter, and now Trump stand apart from a succession of corrupt politicians in the White House. After Kennedy, Johnson escalated Vietnam, whereas Kennedy was drawing down troops and extending diplomacy to end the cold war. Carter was the last POTUS to take on the federal bureaucracy in DC, and here we are 37 years and $20T in debt later, with the same problem Carter was facing, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 et al. In 1972, Nixon took the US completely off the gold standard as the culmination of the Federal Reserve Act.
Wars of aggression will continue as long as the central banks are allowed to control our nation's currency and charge the US interest for it's use. In the bible it's called usury, and it's forbidden. See here for a list of scripture references,
The central banks and financiers can be traced back to the time of Jesus and the money changers in the temple, who he drove out with a stick. This is what we must do as a nation. Or live with perpetual war, which is what we're doing now.
As Jesus said in the sermon on the mount, after being baptized in the Jordan River and receiving the spirit of God, after spending 40 days and nights being tempted by the Devil, who left him to wait for a more opportune time, and after coming out of the wilderness, he spoke to the people,
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Matt 5:9 ESV) Peacemakers are those who reconcile men and women back to the Word of God. Their is no higher calling. When we put God first, everything else falls into place.
The antithesis to God is the Devil, a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44). Those who deny God, also deny Christ. The word of God is all we have, and it is enough. If it was within man to save himself, if doing good was enough, then the sacrifice of Jesus Christ would not have been necessary. But it's not enough to do good. If it was, we would be able to rule ourselves, which by all indications man is unable to do. This makes sense when you recognize who is the god of this world,
"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Cor 4:4)
The devil is the god of this world. Adam transferred dominion over all the earth to Satan when he transgressed the commandment of God. Christ fulfilled the law, and made it possible to men and women to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth, the word of God. Jews and Muslims deny Jesus is the Christ, therefore by definition, they are antichrists.
"Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." (1 Jn 2:22 ESV).
My main concern with Trump is that he has a Jew in his household, his son in law, and hopefully, it is the same with him as it is with the Goldman Sachs alum he has elevated to cabinet positions, as Michael Corleone is quoted in the Godfather, "keep your friends close but your enemies closer." These men report to the POTUS. It remains to be seen whether they will devour him. Those who serve the devil need to understand he will destroy them just as surely as he would destroy all of God's creation, where it not for men and women who love God and believe the truth of his Word. Christ will return, the book of Revelations tells us as much, and woe it be unto them who have been unfaithful stewards of all that God has given us. Praise be to God, amen and amen.
Trump whines about being ‘mistreated’ by rogue/deep state and corporate media. His choices: serve Evil (for new US Civil War, Syria/Iran wars?), be JFK/RFK/MLK removed, or .01% arrests for ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ OBVIOUS crimes in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, looting trillions, and constant lying:
'via Blog this'
There is an entrenched deep state, 4th and 5th generation federal bureaucrats who control vast amounts of resources, who only care about the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, which requires global hegemony. So they've colluded with globalists like Soros to control the flow of oil and gas into Europe, which is under attack from mass migration from Muslim countries, orchestrated by Ashkenazim Jews.
I have to give credit where it is due. I've called out Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch for his Zionist positions, and been censored, banned from posting on his website. The Burning Platform, which I regularly commented on, censored and banned me for my Christian posts and standing up to their anti law enforcement rants. Rapture Forums banned my log in for expressing non-trinitarian views which the forum owner labeled "false teaching", not before my posts received several likes.
Carl Herman has been more than tolerant to allow anyone to express their views without censorship, and for that, I think he is to be commended.
With regards to Trump, history will tell. In post WWII America, Kennedy, Carter, and now Trump stand apart from a succession of corrupt politicians in the White House. After Kennedy, Johnson escalated Vietnam, whereas Kennedy was drawing down troops and extending diplomacy to end the cold war. Carter was the last POTUS to take on the federal bureaucracy in DC, and here we are 37 years and $20T in debt later, with the same problem Carter was facing, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 et al. In 1972, Nixon took the US completely off the gold standard as the culmination of the Federal Reserve Act.
Wars of aggression will continue as long as the central banks are allowed to control our nation's currency and charge the US interest for it's use. In the bible it's called usury, and it's forbidden. See here for a list of scripture references,
The central banks and financiers can be traced back to the time of Jesus and the money changers in the temple, who he drove out with a stick. This is what we must do as a nation. Or live with perpetual war, which is what we're doing now.
As Jesus said in the sermon on the mount, after being baptized in the Jordan River and receiving the spirit of God, after spending 40 days and nights being tempted by the Devil, who left him to wait for a more opportune time, and after coming out of the wilderness, he spoke to the people,
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Matt 5:9 ESV) Peacemakers are those who reconcile men and women back to the Word of God. Their is no higher calling. When we put God first, everything else falls into place.
The antithesis to God is the Devil, a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44). Those who deny God, also deny Christ. The word of God is all we have, and it is enough. If it was within man to save himself, if doing good was enough, then the sacrifice of Jesus Christ would not have been necessary. But it's not enough to do good. If it was, we would be able to rule ourselves, which by all indications man is unable to do. This makes sense when you recognize who is the god of this world,
"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Cor 4:4)
The devil is the god of this world. Adam transferred dominion over all the earth to Satan when he transgressed the commandment of God. Christ fulfilled the law, and made it possible to men and women to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth, the word of God. Jews and Muslims deny Jesus is the Christ, therefore by definition, they are antichrists.
"Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." (1 Jn 2:22 ESV).
My main concern with Trump is that he has a Jew in his household, his son in law, and hopefully, it is the same with him as it is with the Goldman Sachs alum he has elevated to cabinet positions, as Michael Corleone is quoted in the Godfather, "keep your friends close but your enemies closer." These men report to the POTUS. It remains to be seen whether they will devour him. Those who serve the devil need to understand he will destroy them just as surely as he would destroy all of God's creation, where it not for men and women who love God and believe the truth of his Word. Christ will return, the book of Revelations tells us as much, and woe it be unto them who have been unfaithful stewards of all that God has given us. Praise be to God, amen and amen.
Trump whines about being ‘mistreated’ by rogue/deep state and corporate media. His choices: serve Evil (for new US Civil War, Syria/Iran wars?), be JFK/RFK/MLK removed, or .01% arrests for ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ OBVIOUS crimes in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, looting trillions, and constant lying:
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Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Christine Williams: My personal warning to Icelanders
So-called Liberals are able to reconcile their expressed beliefs of tolerance and diversity with sympathy for the intolerance of Islam simply because they hate God, and arrogantly align their thinking with a religion of hate. Jews, too, hate God, and are far more stealthy than Muslims.
I applaud Mr. Spencer. Unfortunately, I feel he's right for the wrong reasons. The bright line is whether one loves or hates God. Christians are being persecuted as much today as any other time in history. It is Christian countries that are under attack. Judaism is a dead religion, and the Ashkenazim Jew, the ruling class in Israel, are not even hereditary Jews. They are from a tribe called the Khazars who converted to Judaism, rather than either Christianity or Islam. There is no mention of them until 1000 AD, 300 years after the advent of Islam.
Islam is the spearhead into Europe and the West, but the one wielding the spear is the Jew. Soros is one of the main antagonists, as are the Rothschilds, who are intent on controlling Europe and global hegemony. The US is complicit and the American public fooled by the propaganda of Zionism.
Christine Williams: My personal warning to Icelanders:
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I applaud Mr. Spencer. Unfortunately, I feel he's right for the wrong reasons. The bright line is whether one loves or hates God. Christians are being persecuted as much today as any other time in history. It is Christian countries that are under attack. Judaism is a dead religion, and the Ashkenazim Jew, the ruling class in Israel, are not even hereditary Jews. They are from a tribe called the Khazars who converted to Judaism, rather than either Christianity or Islam. There is no mention of them until 1000 AD, 300 years after the advent of Islam.
Islam is the spearhead into Europe and the West, but the one wielding the spear is the Jew. Soros is one of the main antagonists, as are the Rothschilds, who are intent on controlling Europe and global hegemony. The US is complicit and the American public fooled by the propaganda of Zionism.
Christine Williams: My personal warning to Icelanders:
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Thursday, May 11, 2017
Survey Shows a Majority of European Youth Would Participate in Uprising to Overthrow Status Quo
You have the right to die, that's just about it, which even your handle, animalogic, implies.
I don't owe you anything but to treat you with the dignity and respect I expect of other people, however, that doesn't mean I "owe" YOU anything, it only means that's how I expect to be treated. Respect is also something that is earned, not given.
"One person's rights end where another person's begin." - I have free will, but free will doesn't give me the right to violate someone else's rights.
Universal health care isn't possible because of limited resources, which is why it's so expensive and easily gamed by the pharma and insurance industries, to the detriment of the system.
The US economy is in shambles because of offshoring industry to exploit labor markets overseas, while the Waltons became one of the richest families in the world.
We're running a $600M deficit, the US Govt is $20T in debt. Tax corporations and they will leave, as will wealthy individuals. There is no money, except further indebtedness. A sovereign nation can't go broke, BUT, they can lose a war. MMT is interesting, however, where it fails is when interest has to be paid on the debt, which will eventually consume tax receipts and the only winner is the central bank. The way forward is repudiating the debt and adopting a balanced budget amendment. I'm actually a Keynsian, which model fails when government continually expands, instead of contracting during boom times. So, all of this really isn't that difficult, the difficult part is in doing what is right, and right isn't always what we want, but rather, that which is fundamentally sound.
Survey Shows a Majority of European Youth Would Participate in Uprising to Overthrow Status Quo:
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I don't owe you anything but to treat you with the dignity and respect I expect of other people, however, that doesn't mean I "owe" YOU anything, it only means that's how I expect to be treated. Respect is also something that is earned, not given.
"One person's rights end where another person's begin." - I have free will, but free will doesn't give me the right to violate someone else's rights.
Universal health care isn't possible because of limited resources, which is why it's so expensive and easily gamed by the pharma and insurance industries, to the detriment of the system.
The US economy is in shambles because of offshoring industry to exploit labor markets overseas, while the Waltons became one of the richest families in the world.
We're running a $600M deficit, the US Govt is $20T in debt. Tax corporations and they will leave, as will wealthy individuals. There is no money, except further indebtedness. A sovereign nation can't go broke, BUT, they can lose a war. MMT is interesting, however, where it fails is when interest has to be paid on the debt, which will eventually consume tax receipts and the only winner is the central bank. The way forward is repudiating the debt and adopting a balanced budget amendment. I'm actually a Keynsian, which model fails when government continually expands, instead of contracting during boom times. So, all of this really isn't that difficult, the difficult part is in doing what is right, and right isn't always what we want, but rather, that which is fundamentally sound.
Survey Shows a Majority of European Youth Would Participate in Uprising to Overthrow Status Quo:
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America's Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia
The American people, unfortunately, have been propagandized into accepting perpetual war, the war on terror. It couldn't have been dreamed up better in a 5th Avenue ad agency. The real enemy are the globalists, and when you start following the tread, and peeling back the onion, it is Satan and the Devil.
Unless you know your enemy, you will be unprepared. When you know your enemy, then things become clear. For instance, Talmudic Judaism is more evil than Islam. We are seeing history repeat itself with Muslims becoming the Jews of 19th and 20th Europe as unwelcome migrants. Another instance, Zionists are responsible for the Muslim mass migration into Europe, as they intend to rule Europe. Liberals are able to reconcile their stated goals of tolerance and diversity with the intolerant views of Islam, because Liberals hate God Almighty, and are too arrogant to accept the truth of his word. The bright line being drawn is whether you love God and accept the truth of his word. Every person has to make up their own mind with the battle being won or lost between one's own two ears.
Love God and his word, or hate God and accept the wisdom of the world. It's just that simple. Nothing in the world makes sense unless it is viewed through the prism of truth of God's Word. Then all makes sense, and it is the wise of this world who are the fools. We, who believe, wait patiently for the return of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and will not be fooled into believing the lies of this world. Lies which, evidenced by their fruit, lead to death and destruction.
America's Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia:
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Unless you know your enemy, you will be unprepared. When you know your enemy, then things become clear. For instance, Talmudic Judaism is more evil than Islam. We are seeing history repeat itself with Muslims becoming the Jews of 19th and 20th Europe as unwelcome migrants. Another instance, Zionists are responsible for the Muslim mass migration into Europe, as they intend to rule Europe. Liberals are able to reconcile their stated goals of tolerance and diversity with the intolerant views of Islam, because Liberals hate God Almighty, and are too arrogant to accept the truth of his word. The bright line being drawn is whether you love God and accept the truth of his word. Every person has to make up their own mind with the battle being won or lost between one's own two ears.
Love God and his word, or hate God and accept the wisdom of the world. It's just that simple. Nothing in the world makes sense unless it is viewed through the prism of truth of God's Word. Then all makes sense, and it is the wise of this world who are the fools. We, who believe, wait patiently for the return of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and will not be fooled into believing the lies of this world. Lies which, evidenced by their fruit, lead to death and destruction.
America's Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia:
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Monday, April 17, 2017
What the U.S. Aristocracy Are Demanding
Again, Syria is a proxy war. The real prize is Iran, which Russia will never cede. Terror isn't going anywhere as long as it's profitable for the obvious and anecdotal reasons outlined in the article.
The other war unfolding before our eyes is the migrant invasion of Europe. Islam is the spear point of this invasion, but it is Israel and the US which wield the spear.
Again, it is all about control. Europe has fallen. A war with Russia is unnecessary. Perpetual tension will continue as long as it's profitable, and when the debt bomb goes off, the same forces which subjugate Europe will turn towards the US. We'll be waiting.
This was the hand dealt to Trump. Just as the Trump and Brexit votes were popular uprisings and cast doubt upon the electorates willingness to blindly and unequivocally accept the dictates of the elite, I still firmly assert that Trump threw a wrench into the neocon position of fighting Russia in Syria. One does not simply launch 59 cruise missiles upon an empty airfield and have it return to operation the next day. Either we're not getting the whole story, and the US just took out the entire Syrian air force in preparation for a ground invasion, or Trump just gave the deep state the middle finger. The next few weeks and months should tell.
What the U.S. Aristocracy Are Demanding:
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Saturday, April 15, 2017
Trump Is Losing Some of His Base
The khazars, Ashkenazi Jews, are the ruling class in Israel. The US and Israel are the chief state sponsors of terror in the world. Therefore, by the transitive property, evil. More so than Islam, which has been enabled by the US and Israel, and is facilitating mass migration into Europe in order to spread their dominion. A ruling class, themselves, and everyone else, who own nothing.
Besides, I'm not blaming all khazars, only those participating in what I've described, who are evil. No, I'm not anti-semitic, Eric. However, I place modern day Judaism and Islam in the same bucket, which are both contrary to the truth of God's word, as given in the Old and New Testaments, and canonized by the end of the 1st century AD. I'm not racist or bigoted, and neither is Trump. As men, however, we are all fallible.
The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump counter the Rothschilds plans of global hegemony. Let's hope the British people maintain their resolve, and Donald Trump is able to navigate the US through what will surely be one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation's history.
The national debt more than tripled under Reagan, the start of exponentially expanding debt, and doubled under GWB and BHO. No one is suggesting it should double again under Trump. Where then, will spending be cut?
At the end of the day, the US will either repudiate the debt, or go into receivership. There are those who will want to follow the Rothschild model, establishing themselves as the ruling class, and a two tiered system of health care and retirement. Much of this we already have, but while the treasury is being plundered by borrowing, and becoming a fascist state in the process, the US has not abdicated sovereignty, nor pledged fealty to a foreign power.
As the national debt continues to increase, interest costs will continue to rise. Already $250B annually, which is simply being paid with new debt. Regardless of any other cost saving measure, interest on the debt is a perpetually recurring expense, that must be paid in addition to any other spending. Better to repudiate it and enforce a balanced budget, than to cede sovereignty.
Of course, this doesn't address $200T in unfunded federal obligations, however, with a balanced budget free of interest payments and debt entanglements, the US and it's economic partners can be self sufficient. At a minimum, it would be a boon for the working class, which has largely disappeared under 37 years of shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap labor from Mexico beginning with Reagan. It is possible for the US and western civilization to pull itself up by it's bootstraps, but to do so, it must shed itself of the blight and pox on humanity, the fiat currency of the old world bankers, the Rothschilds, and their central banks.
Trump Is Losing Some of His Base:
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Besides, I'm not blaming all khazars, only those participating in what I've described, who are evil. No, I'm not anti-semitic, Eric. However, I place modern day Judaism and Islam in the same bucket, which are both contrary to the truth of God's word, as given in the Old and New Testaments, and canonized by the end of the 1st century AD. I'm not racist or bigoted, and neither is Trump. As men, however, we are all fallible.
The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump counter the Rothschilds plans of global hegemony. Let's hope the British people maintain their resolve, and Donald Trump is able to navigate the US through what will surely be one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation's history.
The national debt more than tripled under Reagan, the start of exponentially expanding debt, and doubled under GWB and BHO. No one is suggesting it should double again under Trump. Where then, will spending be cut?
At the end of the day, the US will either repudiate the debt, or go into receivership. There are those who will want to follow the Rothschild model, establishing themselves as the ruling class, and a two tiered system of health care and retirement. Much of this we already have, but while the treasury is being plundered by borrowing, and becoming a fascist state in the process, the US has not abdicated sovereignty, nor pledged fealty to a foreign power.
As the national debt continues to increase, interest costs will continue to rise. Already $250B annually, which is simply being paid with new debt. Regardless of any other cost saving measure, interest on the debt is a perpetually recurring expense, that must be paid in addition to any other spending. Better to repudiate it and enforce a balanced budget, than to cede sovereignty.
Of course, this doesn't address $200T in unfunded federal obligations, however, with a balanced budget free of interest payments and debt entanglements, the US and it's economic partners can be self sufficient. At a minimum, it would be a boon for the working class, which has largely disappeared under 37 years of shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap labor from Mexico beginning with Reagan. It is possible for the US and western civilization to pull itself up by it's bootstraps, but to do so, it must shed itself of the blight and pox on humanity, the fiat currency of the old world bankers, the Rothschilds, and their central banks.
Trump Is Losing Some of His Base:
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Thursday, April 13, 2017
Keystone XL and America's Psychopathic Government
"The whole thing is a con; that’s all the top level of the U.S. federal government now is." - you're almost correct. That's how it's been. Whether it continues and in what fashion is another matter.
You didn't seem to oppose it when Liberals were running the show. The bright line is whether you love or hate God. Liberals and Jews hate God, and their spear into the heart of Europe and the US is Islam.
Why does the devil hate western civilization? The US shines as a beacon of freedom to the world. No where else in the world does a people enjoy the freedom we do here in the US. This is what the devil hates, and he will stop at nothing, domestic or foreign to destroy the US and the freedom it represents.
This, is a call to action. Why does Zuesse oppose Trump? Because Zuesse is a Liberal and a closet Zionist, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Keystone XL and America's Psychopathic Government:
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Thursday, March 23, 2017
Are U.S, Economic Sanctions Against Russia Based on an Obama Lie?
Well laid out article. I suppose anecdotally, anyone who believes the western press is a fool, which would include most libtards. Soros' DNA is all over the Ukraine affair, and the DNC, including BHO and HRC just lapped it up. Then let's not forget the HRC State Department, the seat of the deep state, foray into Guatemalan internal affairs, causing one of the worst humanitarian crises in Latin America in recent memory, Madeleine's War in Serbia, where we were on the wrong side, again, and the CIA ventures in Argentina, Peru, and Chile along with the resulting human rights atrocities. When will any of those responsible be held accountable?
Thank God, David Rockefeller has breathed his last breath, and by his grace, Soros won't be far behind.
The king is dead, long live the king. We should give Trump at least an opportunity to reverse these wars of aggression and start evaluating his performance based on what he does versus what he says. Obama started the sanctions, and Trump still needs cooperation in Congress during these first 100 days. TPTB could collapse the economy in a day if they so choose. And they will, if they see the slightest risk to their control. We have to be at the ready to counter their motives and operands. It is vitally important to recognize who is the enemy, is order to effectually enter battle, and that is the old serpent, Satan and the devil. Only by recognizing who we fight, can we expect to win. The battle is for the hearts, minds, and souls of those who would believe. (II Corinthians 4:4)
Good article, Eric, and consistent with other articles I've read during the crisis, including Orlov. God bless and God speed.
Are U.S, Economic Sanctions Against Russia Based on an Obama Lie?:
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Thank God, David Rockefeller has breathed his last breath, and by his grace, Soros won't be far behind.
The king is dead, long live the king. We should give Trump at least an opportunity to reverse these wars of aggression and start evaluating his performance based on what he does versus what he says. Obama started the sanctions, and Trump still needs cooperation in Congress during these first 100 days. TPTB could collapse the economy in a day if they so choose. And they will, if they see the slightest risk to their control. We have to be at the ready to counter their motives and operands. It is vitally important to recognize who is the enemy, is order to effectually enter battle, and that is the old serpent, Satan and the devil. Only by recognizing who we fight, can we expect to win. The battle is for the hearts, minds, and souls of those who would believe. (II Corinthians 4:4)
Good article, Eric, and consistent with other articles I've read during the crisis, including Orlov. God bless and God speed.
Are U.S, Economic Sanctions Against Russia Based on an Obama Lie?:
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Thursday, February 9, 2017
Civil War Is Coming to the U.S.: "Left WILL Resort To Large Scale Violence... To Stop Fascism"
In the aftermath of the unexpected election results, Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood have attempted to form a coalition of black, brown, ME, and leftist/anarchists to oppose the Tea Party.
Rather than buy in to their rhetoric, the Occupy Movement and the Tea should recognize they have a common enemy in the status quo, which is resisting the Tea Party candidate, DJT.
Sanders supporters, the Occupy Movement, must recognize this common enemy, and support Trump. If not, Trump will fail, and so too, will government by the people.
This is not a game, nor is it a test. These millenials need to grow up and recognize who is the true enemy, the government bureaucratic military industrial complex of which we were warned against by Eisenhower. The American people are tired of being lied to, by Ronald (smaller govt) Reagan, GHW (no new taxes) Bush, GJ (all things to all people) Clinton, GW (incompentent or a liar or both) Bush, and BH (never told the truth) Obama. Trump has promised he will not lie, nor forget the American People. What other choice do we have but take him at his word, and hold him to it. He deserves at least that much, and Sanders supporters need to get on board, or risk losing the populist movement. Yes, we can, means holding members of Congress to stop governing against the will of the people, or they, too, will be voting out in two years.
Now is the time to take a stand for our Constitutional Republic, for representative democracy, and for government by, for, and of the people, the status quo be damned.
Civil War Is Coming to the U.S.: "Left WILL Resort To Large Scale Violence... To Stop Fascism":
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Rather than buy in to their rhetoric, the Occupy Movement and the Tea should recognize they have a common enemy in the status quo, which is resisting the Tea Party candidate, DJT.
Sanders supporters, the Occupy Movement, must recognize this common enemy, and support Trump. If not, Trump will fail, and so too, will government by the people.
This is not a game, nor is it a test. These millenials need to grow up and recognize who is the true enemy, the government bureaucratic military industrial complex of which we were warned against by Eisenhower. The American people are tired of being lied to, by Ronald (smaller govt) Reagan, GHW (no new taxes) Bush, GJ (all things to all people) Clinton, GW (incompentent or a liar or both) Bush, and BH (never told the truth) Obama. Trump has promised he will not lie, nor forget the American People. What other choice do we have but take him at his word, and hold him to it. He deserves at least that much, and Sanders supporters need to get on board, or risk losing the populist movement. Yes, we can, means holding members of Congress to stop governing against the will of the people, or they, too, will be voting out in two years.
Now is the time to take a stand for our Constitutional Republic, for representative democracy, and for government by, for, and of the people, the status quo be damned.
Civil War Is Coming to the U.S.: "Left WILL Resort To Large Scale Violence... To Stop Fascism":
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Will There Be War On The Streets Of Washington D.C. During The Inauguration On Friday?
You couldn't be further off the mark. Unfortunately Trump can't pull a Reagan and spend us out of a recession.
You're a millennial, aren't you? I won't hold it against you if you promise to get a better grasp on history.
If you're not, then your ignorance is inexcusable. Go to the back of the bus, about 5 seats back.
Understand this, too, Trump is not a Republican, he ran against the Republicans, every single one of them, and won. Then he beat Clinton.
He's the second Tea Party candidate to run as a Republican. Ron Paul was the first. My candidate won this election!!!
Reagan promised less government, we got more. He spent so much money, Clinton had no choice but to cut spending and we got an accounting surplus for 1.5 years. The deficit began expanding exponentially under Reagan. Also, the Reagan administration began re-interpreting anti trust laws put in place during the depression, culminating in the repeal of Glass - Stegall under Clinton, leading to the 2008 recession and 8 years of BHO.
This is what Trump is up against domestically. Carter was the last best POTUS this country has had. Trump will be the next.
Will There Be War On The Streets Of Washington D.C. During The Inauguration On Friday?:
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Monday, January 16, 2017
Welcome To One of The Most Pivotal Weeks In Modern American History
Police were able to adequately handle protests during the national conventions in Cleveland and Chicago. Those are cities that aren't used to provided that type of security. DC will be in lock down, make no mistake.
The opposition to Trump is multi-faceted, and depend upon the politics of divisiveness. Whether it's the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, Reconquistas, or the Black Panthers, the roots of divisiveness trace back to the civil war and more recently the civil rights movement. Even the american and french revolutions were divisive.
It doesn't seem we're going to get away from the divisiveness, neither should we embrace it as those in both parties do. Trump is an independent, whose candidacy was made possible by Ron Paul in 2012. Sanders was and independent who ran as a Democrat for the same reasons Paul ran, to change the system from the inside.
Trump faces nearly insurmountable challenges over the next four years, however, if there's one thing that distinguishes the Trumps of the world, is they believe in themselves even when no one else does. Trump deserves the support and prayers of the American people as the duly elected commander in chief, just as Obama did before him. That is how we win as nation, not by name calling, as many have done in previous administrations, starting with Nixon, but by supporting our elected officials at all levels of government.
If it was enough to do good, then man would be able to save himself, but that isn't the case. God sent a saviour into this world, and it is by believing in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, that we overcome this world. We are the greatest nation the world has ever seen, a beacon of freedom and symbol of hope. What we allow to happen in Greece, Ukraine, South and Central America reflects upon the whole of humanity. There will always be division, strife, and dischord, at least until Christ returns in glory and vanquishes the real enemy. Like Abraham, we are
"... looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God" (Heb 11:10 ESV).
"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8b ESV)
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12 ESV)
Therefore, let us cease not in doing good, and even more importantly, believing that he who sent his son, has sent us also,
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed," (Luke 4:18 ESV)
Let the redeemed of the lord, say amen and amen.
Welcome To One of The Most Pivotal Weeks In Modern American History:
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The opposition to Trump is multi-faceted, and depend upon the politics of divisiveness. Whether it's the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter, Reconquistas, or the Black Panthers, the roots of divisiveness trace back to the civil war and more recently the civil rights movement. Even the american and french revolutions were divisive.
It doesn't seem we're going to get away from the divisiveness, neither should we embrace it as those in both parties do. Trump is an independent, whose candidacy was made possible by Ron Paul in 2012. Sanders was and independent who ran as a Democrat for the same reasons Paul ran, to change the system from the inside.
Trump faces nearly insurmountable challenges over the next four years, however, if there's one thing that distinguishes the Trumps of the world, is they believe in themselves even when no one else does. Trump deserves the support and prayers of the American people as the duly elected commander in chief, just as Obama did before him. That is how we win as nation, not by name calling, as many have done in previous administrations, starting with Nixon, but by supporting our elected officials at all levels of government.
If it was enough to do good, then man would be able to save himself, but that isn't the case. God sent a saviour into this world, and it is by believing in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, that we overcome this world. We are the greatest nation the world has ever seen, a beacon of freedom and symbol of hope. What we allow to happen in Greece, Ukraine, South and Central America reflects upon the whole of humanity. There will always be division, strife, and dischord, at least until Christ returns in glory and vanquishes the real enemy. Like Abraham, we are
"... looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God" (Heb 11:10 ESV).
"The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8b ESV)
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12 ESV)
Therefore, let us cease not in doing good, and even more importantly, believing that he who sent his son, has sent us also,
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed," (Luke 4:18 ESV)
Let the redeemed of the lord, say amen and amen.
Welcome To One of The Most Pivotal Weeks In Modern American History:
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Friday, January 6, 2017
Trump Aims to Cut the Neocon Deep State Off at the Knees
Not exactly, Joe Kennedy had his ties with the mafia, and there are way too many suspects in John's death. Carter was the last POTUS to attempt to reign in the bureacracy. The deep state is nothing more than a bunch of fourth and fifth generation bureacrats, who send their kids to the best schools in the country, and bring them up in cloak and dagger secrecy.
We see how the Carter administration was treated, by the press and everyone. Yet, the economy he inherited was the result of Nixon taking the US off the gold standard and not enough dollars in circulation. Reagan fixed that by increasing deficit spending exponentially, so that today we're on the bleeding edge of the hockey stick graph of deficit spending.
Trump has his hands tied, economically, and if the Fed tries to raise rates, we should repeal the Federal Reserve Act and repudiate the debt. Better them than us. Capitulate and serve them, the global elite, or take back the constitutional power of coining money under section 8 of the US Constitution. Since greed knows no bounds, and enough is never enough, the latter is the proper course of action, as there is no appeasement they will accept, except full repayment of what they generated out of thin air, with interest, and when we default, they will own us.
They would destroy this country before seeing power grasp from their fingers, yet, the real power is with God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and all that is in them, and in his son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever, not their god.
This is truly the only counter we have to their blasphemous existence. It is not enough for man to do good, but to believe the one who sent his son to save us all. Save us from what? To save us from the wrath that is to come. God will have his vengeance on all who seek to do harm. When that day comes, there will be no more salvation, only judgement.
Peace to all.
Trump Aims to Cut the Neocon Deep State Off at the Knees:
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We see how the Carter administration was treated, by the press and everyone. Yet, the economy he inherited was the result of Nixon taking the US off the gold standard and not enough dollars in circulation. Reagan fixed that by increasing deficit spending exponentially, so that today we're on the bleeding edge of the hockey stick graph of deficit spending.
Trump has his hands tied, economically, and if the Fed tries to raise rates, we should repeal the Federal Reserve Act and repudiate the debt. Better them than us. Capitulate and serve them, the global elite, or take back the constitutional power of coining money under section 8 of the US Constitution. Since greed knows no bounds, and enough is never enough, the latter is the proper course of action, as there is no appeasement they will accept, except full repayment of what they generated out of thin air, with interest, and when we default, they will own us.
They would destroy this country before seeing power grasp from their fingers, yet, the real power is with God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and all that is in them, and in his son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever, not their god.
This is truly the only counter we have to their blasphemous existence. It is not enough for man to do good, but to believe the one who sent his son to save us all. Save us from what? To save us from the wrath that is to come. God will have his vengeance on all who seek to do harm. When that day comes, there will be no more salvation, only judgement.
Peace to all.
Trump Aims to Cut the Neocon Deep State Off at the Knees:
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Wednesday, January 4, 2017
New York Times Continues Lying About Ukraine
American involvement in the internal affairs of other countries is nothing new. One need only look to whom the benefit accrues to understand the negative nature of such actions.
That ordinary Americans tolerate such actions by their elected representatives only demonstrates their ignorance. The information age provides the ability with which to share ideas at the click of a button, yet the age old enemy of God and man is still at work. It's not a sin to be ignorant. It's a sin to be ignorant when it's available to be informed.
The success of the populist movements we've seen in the latter half of this year bear witness to the populist struggles of the Tea Party and Occupy movements, and even the Arab Springs. When people are informed, they're able to make decisions in their own best interest, and oppose those against.
Now is the time for all free men to stand up and say, "Lord, let it begin with me!"
New York Times Continues Lying About Ukraine:
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That ordinary Americans tolerate such actions by their elected representatives only demonstrates their ignorance. The information age provides the ability with which to share ideas at the click of a button, yet the age old enemy of God and man is still at work. It's not a sin to be ignorant. It's a sin to be ignorant when it's available to be informed.
The success of the populist movements we've seen in the latter half of this year bear witness to the populist struggles of the Tea Party and Occupy movements, and even the Arab Springs. When people are informed, they're able to make decisions in their own best interest, and oppose those against.
Now is the time for all free men to stand up and say, "Lord, let it begin with me!"
New York Times Continues Lying About Ukraine:
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