Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Uh Oh – Please Tell Me That The U.S. Is Not About To Go To War With Venezuela…

Of course, the US controls what happens in Venezuala. The reason they won't put boots on the ground, is Russia could respond, and the last thing anyone wants is another Syria, but this time in the Western Hemisphere.
I've made some connections lately, following Central Intelligence Agency on YT. The guys name is Sean Hross. He shows the Masonic symbolism all over Europe, and traces it back to the Knights Templar and the founding of Switzerland. It goes back even further to Egypt, and following the thread, to Nimrod, wherein all Pagan theology originates. It took quite a bit of researching to put those pieces together. Then, carrying it forward, the BIS has as it's client banks, the Rothschilds, the Royal families of Europe, and the Vatican. We can add in the Deep State, as well. They are set on world domination and a new world order.
So, there you have it, Nimrod's descendants are running the global banking cabal. I'm happy to share it with you.

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