Friday, May 17, 2019

Here Are 15 Numbers That Show How The Global Economy Is Performing, And All Of Them Are Bad

We have 5,000 years of human civilization, the US Constitution stands among the greatest documents of human achievement. Not counting God's word, of course, because God's word was given by the inspiration of God. Man lived as primitives until God made man in his image 8,000 years ago. That's how man rose out of his primitive state, through man's interaction with Adam and his descendants. Cain, the first murderer in the bible, built the first cities, the better to control people. Nimrod, the son of Cush, the son of Ham, the son of Noah, was the architect, the engineer. He was a hunter of men. His mother and he set himself up as a God, his father reborn, and his mother, the mother of God. Sound familiar. Nimrod was the architect of the tower of Babel, whose top reached the heavens. In actuality, it was a planetarium, a dome whose top depicted the heavens. Nimrod would have enslaved the world, and there would have been no end to his evil, so God confounded his efforts. All of the pagan religions trace back to Nimrod. It was these black arts that the templars brought back with them from Egypt, and it is these disciples of Nimrod who still seek to enslave the world through the Swiss financial institutions, whose client banks include all of the world's criminal enterprises.

There were the great nation states, Greece gave us philosophy, Rome, the rule of law. The age of enlightenment paved the way for the Magna Carta, later, the Declaration of Independance. The American Revolution culminated in the US Constitution. If the world was reduced to ashes today, civilization could reboot with the US Constitution as the basis for government. While the Declaration of Independence declares our rights emanate from God, the US Constitution is meant to restrict the power of government over the people. Like the bible, man doesn't need anything else to live a life that really matters, to borrow a phrase, we simply need to enforce it.

If you think you can do better, have at it.

Correct, natural man without the word of God is a despicable being, as evidenced by primitive societies in sub saharan africa and central america. Native americans were referred to as savages because of their behavior. Yet, it would not have been so were it not for the rebellion of satan against God Almighty in heaven. In genesis 1:1, God created the heavens and the earth. In the second verse, the BECAME without form and void. They were not created without form and void. The rest of genesis deals with God restoring order. It is only the word of God that lifts humanity above the state of natural, primitive existence, at least historically.

Jesus Christ exposed the kingdom of the adversary. Before Christ, man knew little about the enemy of God. Now, we are able to cast out devil spirits, heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, walk on water, turn water into wine, and share the gospel of Christ to all those who would believe. Natural man is merely along for the ride, until the day of judgement when all accounts will be settled.

Everything that you describe is the behavior of natural man. God has given man a way of rising above his natural state. If it was within man to save himself, then Jesus Christ would need not have died on the cross. If it was enough to do good, there are plenty of capable men who would have been able to set the record straight by doing good. Yet, it is only by the sacrifice of one man, Jesus Christ, that we are saved.

Don't delude yourself. There is no other way to salvation than through Christ. Humanists, which is what God deniers ultimately are, want to remove God from society, and replace him with the State. Communists have the worst human rights records and have committed the worst crimes against humanity in modern history. The devils methods change but his motive is always to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10 a). We have all of the tools we need to do battle, however, the enemy will not be destroyed until Christ returns in Glory. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. On which side of history do you want to be?

"because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

"This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

God bless you all in the name above all names, his Son, the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

Here Are 15 Numbers That Show How The Global Economy Is Performing, And All Of Them Are Bad

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