Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Julian Assange Indictment, by Robert Gore

You can't have it both ways. The DOJ does not act at the behest of the POTUS. Case in point, the timing of the arrest of Huawei's executive and founders daughter during POTUS dinner with Chinese leaders was curious.

It's all about 2020. Since the end of the Mueller investigation, everything has to be viewed through the lens of campaigning. Let the justice process proceed, and if there aren't criminal indictments of Obama administration officials, I'm with you. The other concern is, just as the infamous "by the book" memo written by Lynch the last of of Obama's administration, criminal prosecution of those same officials can't be seen as politically motivated.

If it's all swept under the rug, and so far, it has been, how has justice been served? Are we really a nation of laws, as our rulers continually remind us, or is the justice system merely another extension of control. I fear the latter.

We can't hang our collective hats on a single issue, when there is much more at stake.

1 comment:

  1. After reading Kunstler's piece titled, Golem strikes back,, it may be an economic collapse provides the cover for non-application of justice for Obama era criminal activity. After all, how can the POTUS be concerned about 2 year old crimes when there are much more pressing matters. A hot war could provide the same cover.

    I remain convinced North America must become self sufficient and self sustaining. While there are bad actors on the world stage, the current emphasis has been the hollowing out of middle america, and continues in the form of pipelines being constructed to sell shale oil overseas while potentially destroying the environment in the pursuit of short term profit.

    Who is the real enemy, if it isn't these corporate shysters, politicians, and pundits?
